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"there were many (i was impressed by the interviewers and their questions)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"nothing difficult" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"sdn, The DOs,, etc." Report Response
"Dr. Haight's fatherliness towards the interviewees." Report Response
"1. The disorganization of the interview day. 2. The short/unorganized/uninformative tour of the campus. 3. Lack of a clinical/basic sciences education presentation. 4. The cafeteria or lack of. 5. Lack of wireless internet/integration of technology into the curriculum. etc etc" Report Response
"When you stay at the Holiday Inn (if you don't have a car, you will be STUCK at the Holiday Inn, without access to food or any real entertainment). And Vallejo is a dead city that is attempting to come back from the grave." Report Response
"I interviewed really well - but I didn't learn much about the school no matter how many questions I asked. No one was willing to talk about the basic science curriculum (except that they have letter grading), no one was willing to address the horrible board pass rates nor how the school controls/sets up a clinical curriculum; the tour was lead by an MSI - who knew NOTHING about the inner workings of a medical education (but in his kindness he did offer to ask someone else and email us) etc." Report Response
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