9 out of 10
6 out of 10
15 minutes
At the school
Open file
"none" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"none" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"read AMCAS, studentdoctor, and Georgetown website..." Report Response
"Nothing at all." Report Response
"I highly discourage anyone from going to this school for many reasons. I stayed with a student host who was an exceptional person, very well accomplished, and down-to-earth. The downside is that my student host was so miserable at this school that s/he is looking into transferring into a different medical school, and strongly discouraged me from going to Georgetown. This says a lot about the school: poor program, faculty that does NOT care about the students, high costs, generally a very bad experience. I decided to not let my hosts' opinions affect my views of the school, so I went to my interview completely neutral-minded. Unfortunately, my interviewer was the worst interviewer I have ever had out of about 8-10 prior interviews at other much better schools (Vandy, Sinai, NYU & others). He was completely unfriendly, rude, stoic and unresponsive to my answers. The tour proved rather informative in showing the schools mediocre facilities and students. " Report Response
"That Georgetown was certainly not worth the trip. If I could go back, I would not attend this interview..." Report Response
"See "negatively impressed" section below..." Report Response
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