6 out of 10
6 out of 10
7 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
Open file
"Why Columbia?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"questions specific to my application" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"questions specific to my application" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Almost all of the questions I was asked were specific to my application." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"My interviewer had one of my letters of recommendation infront of him and asked me to explain everything my psychology professor wrote about. Some of the reseach projects my professor mentioned in her letter were from 4 years ago, so I really wasn't fresh on the details. I felt like I stumbled over alot of answers because I wasn't prepared to talk about psychology the entire interview. Nothing we talked about was related to medicine." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"interview feedback, deep breaths" Report Response
"I liked some of the other interviewees." Report Response
"The location is not where I want to be next year. I wouldn't want to live in the dorms like the ones at Columbia. Also, the student body is composed of mostly ivy league grads. I think it's great Columbia gets such great med students, but it's too bad so many people have the same background. I'd feel like the token girl from the South if I went there. Lastly, several students told me that the secret to getting into Columbia is to write a letter to Dean Franz. They talked about him like he was some sort of God figure. Weird. I always write thank-you notes to my interviewers, but I refuse to write suck-up letters to the Dean in hopes of flattering him enough to get an acceptance." Report Response
"1) I'd know every possible detail of my application thoroughly and be able to talk about each of them for 10+ minutes. I thought I knew everything really well on my application, but this interview really pushed me to talk about things in-depth from years ago. 2) I'd bring a granola bar. The lunch at Columbia was by far the worst I've had among all my interviews. 3) I'd bring something to read because I had to sit in the interview room for over 2 hours between my interview and tour." Report Response
"I enjoyed talking with my interviewer even though he brought up picky details from my application that I wasn't ready to answer. I waited around for hours before the tour and lunch. This was the most unstructured interview day I've had. I wasn't very impressed overall, so I withdrew a few weeks later." Report Response
5 out of 10
4-6 hours
Friends or family
9 out of 10
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