4 out of 10
10 out of 10
8 out of 10
15 minutes
At the school
Open file
"See most interesting" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"The human genome project was completed a few years ago. Can you tell me how many genes humans have?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Have you been accepted at other schools" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What are your views on assisted suicide having a place in our future society?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"See Above" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Two previous interviews were good preparation. I read up on the school, topics concerning medicine in current events--just read the newspaper, sdn questions." Report Response
"The area is pretty and all school activities are in one or two buildings, not spread apart. Compared to other DO schools, I do not think they do a good job with their interview day. But don't pick your school based on the rooms they sit you in to wait or the food they serve for lunch. The hospital rotations are good and it looks like residency match is too. " Report Response
"The cost is awful. I lived in the midwest for my first 22 years, and recently moved to the east. I am still annoyed by how expensive life is out here and more so on Long Island. " Report Response
"Allow an extra 5 minutes to find the admissions office and waiting area." Report Response
"It felt good to me because I think I gave my best interview. The tour guides were enjoyable and answered questions well. I like the school and I like the clinical experience that a large population affords. The interview was not stressful, and mine was short. Be confident in yourself and that your reasons for wanting to be a physician are genuine. Don't try to be impressive because sincerity and character shine through on their own. You are the expert on you, not the interviewer. So, don't be sway from your true thoughts and answers. And if you don't know an answer, just admit that (see question 2--I had no clue, and I'll bet that he just wanted to see if I could say, "I don't know" without tiptoeing around it or blurting out some ridiculous answer). I hope this helps and good luck! " Report Response
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