6 out of 10
5 out of 10
9 out of 10
25 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Why NYMC?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What are your weaknesses?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Are there any red flags on your application? (which was the MCAT question)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"He asked me something about football and how my school's team had a surprisingly good season. I forgot what the questions were, we were just talking about how underappreciated college football is in the northeast. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about your low MCAT score. (Though he followed by saying that the section I did bad when was "A good one to mess up"). " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, typed up responses, missed my flight, slept for two hours freezing cold in a hotel in DC to fly in the day of the interview (heh)" Report Response
"The school's beautiful (though I find snow pretty). I feel that the town is suburban and you can easily have a car (which some people would hate). And you can get to NYC with a ten minute (11 dollar) taxi/drive, and a 40 minutes train ride (6 dollar) train ticket. I know some say that's too far away or too much, but good enough for me. I liked the anatomy lab and cafeteria, but I did not get a full tour (long story, I'll explain later). And I liked the dorms." Report Response
"The school is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. And it costs too much for an okay or "average" private school. Also, the students did not seem too friendly/ enthusiastic, though my pseudo-host (pseudo b/c long story) was a pretty nice guy." Report Response
"Westchester is a nice small airport, but it is not right next door to NYMC. It was 26 bucks or something to get there. Also, bring just your personal statement to the interview, I had to give the interviewer my personal statement with all the school's I applied to from my AMCAS. " Report Response
"Well, the interview day might have been the most stressful and uncomfortable day of my life BUT it was all my fault, not NYMC's. I kept loosing things, I had missed my flight the day before and was stuck in DC until 8 AM the day OF my interview. So I was really overly stressed and tired. And I missed most of the tour, had a rushed interview, and did not get to really talk to any of the applicants or students. I just hope the admissions staff did not think I was incompetent because of all of this, but I still liked the school. " Report Response
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