No change
4 out of 10
8 out of 10
7 out of 10
15 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"Why Wake?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What has been your biggest hurdle getting to this point?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What do you see as a potential problem/stress for you in medical school?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Pretty normal questions." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Who are you? (I HATE this question)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN and Interview Feedback (helped a lot! I knew a lot more than the other interviewees about the school), read Wake Bulletin, my PS and secondary since these are all they have" Report Response
"the technology used in anatomy lab and on student computers is pretty amazing; the hospital is huge and serves a big region; other interviewees were cool; curriculum is innovative and unique; students are happy and feel good about their board scores and match list" Report Response
"Winston-Salem is pretty dead; facilities (other than technology) are really drab; the two floors you spend the first two years on are underground!" Report Response
"It was the last week of interviewing. Also, MSI's were on Spring Break, and MSII's were on 'break' to study for Step 1. It was pretty quiet around the school." Report Response
"The day was planned out exactly the way Wake said it would be. Our "medical guild volunteer" didn't show in the morning, so I just talked with the other interviewees (6 of us total) from 10-10:30. Irene Tise from Admissions took us into a small conference room and showed us a ppt presentation on Wake and the curriculum, with lots of handouts. A Financial Aid lady told us all we needed to know about need-based aid, federal loans and private loans, and even showed us that if you buy a Starbucks coffee 4 days a week during med school, you could end up owing over $3000 when it's time to pay back student loans! Two MSII's took us to lunch who seemed very happy with Wake. They told us not to worry if we're waitlisted because almost half the class has been traditionally taken from this list. Cafeteria was pretty darn good. Interviews started at 1pm. Three students go on a tour, while the other three stay to interview. You interview with 3 different faculty members for 15 minutes each, then they spend ~5 minutes writing about you before the next one. They only have your PS and secondary essays, so you end up talking about the big obvious stuff you've done, and don't get a chance to get to anything really nitty-gritty. I personally liked that because it makes it much less stressful! Preparing with SDN Interview Feedback reeeeeeeally helped. The tour was fine. You don't get to see much more than Watlington Hall, which is where the med school facilities are. It's basically two pretty drab looking floors with drab rooms: 2 lectures halls (one for year 1 and one for year 2), a student lounge, the library, some small-group learning rooms, a couple Standardized Patient Assessment rooms, a super small 'fitness center',and that's pretty much it. The anatomy lab is pretty cool though -- each cadaver has a 20" flat screen above it, so you can see what the profs are doing. You can also see CT scans of your cadaver, on this screen and on your laptop anytime." Report Response
7 out of 10
Out of state
4-6 hours
8 out of 10
Hawthorne Inn
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