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5 out of 10
9 out of 10
8 out of 10
45 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Explain your grades. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Are you interested in Specializing? (Trick question! Just say that u're not sure as of now, but want to keep the option open.)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Did you do any community service? (after answering it by explaining one of the projects I was involved with, I was asked "Is that it or did u do anything else?" Make sure u have atleast two activities to talk about lol. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What are your hobbies? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Your Science GPA is REALLY low for our school (it is a 3.2 in case u were wondering). Why should we accept you? (basically, explain ur grades)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, Previous Interviews ( it was nothing like my other interview, much more grilling, and I had to think on my feet much more frequently)" Report Response
"It is an Ivy League school. It has high standards as far as academics are concerned, insofar as Dental and Medical students take the same classes and are graded on the same curve. Students were nice and willing to answer our questions. Dr. McManus and Dr. Davis went through the presentations were witty and intersting. " Report Response
"The fact that Dental and Med students are clubbed together for the first two years seems more like a cop-out than anything else. I mean, you can choose to buy into their spiel about how Dentistry is a specialty of medicine, but really, it seems like they have not the resources to have separate academic classes solely for dental students (Like other schools do). Although I would like to say that the grilling experience I had at the interview is a bad thing, that would be unfair. If anything, it helped me rise to the occasion and tackle the toughies one after the other as they were being thrown at me. " Report Response
"The fact that there is little or no Financial aid available for dental students because Alumni do not give back to their alma mater. " Report Response
"I walk into the office of admissions at roughly 8:30 am for the 9:00 am interview. We were escorted to the faculty dining conference room where other interviewees were seated. We waited there for a good 15 -20 minutes after 9:00 am before Dr. Davis showed up and started with the introductions followed by the presentations. Dr. McManus joined in afterward and randomly started massaging some of the interviewees' shoulders (he's a good, chearful guy, i just thought this was funny). Refreshments were available throughout the presentations. Then came the eve of interviews. One by one, we were taken by our interviewers for the interview. My interviewer, surprisingly, started firing questions from the moment we sat down. At first, it was kind of a shock to be put into a defensive position without no prior warning. However, after the first few, I was in business, and gave quick retorts to his sketchy questions. For the first 30 minutes, the questions were worded in a very condescending manner, to which I had fitting responses. However, as we digressed away from grades and towards extra-curriculars and hobbies, the mood shifted to a more informal one. The interviewer, after almost ripping me a new one, started cracking dry jokes that I was forced to laugh at. All in all, I would like to advise those reading this that a tough, grilling interview is not necessarily a bad one. If anything, they may be really interested in you and want to see how you handle stressful situations. No matter how pointed the questions get, keep a smile on and look the interviewer straight in the eyes. Anyways, this hell-and-back experience was followed by Financial Aid, and then there was a tour given by two of the doctors. It was over at about 3:00 pm. " Report Response
Faculty member
7 out of 10
Out of state
2-3 hours
< $100
Friends or family
10 out of 10
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