3 out of 10
8 out of 10
8 out of 10
35 minutes
At the school
Open file
"The standard ones: 1. Tell us something not in your file or if there is something you'd like to expand on. 2. Why are you interested in osteopathic medicine. 3. What medical experiences do you have?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"4. How do you handle stress, and give a specific example. 5. What communication skills do you have, please give an example. 6. What leadership positions have you had, describe your leadership style." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"7. Explain a conflict you've had with someone and how you resolved it. 8. Summarize the article." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"This is your chance to tell us something that is not in your file or if there is something you would like to expand upon from your file." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"None were too difficult as I knew what was coming, but they phrased them differently than the feedback on SDN which made me answer some on the fly." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, read my applications, practice interviews." Report Response
"I really like the school and the area that it's in. I thought the presenters were funny and kept things moving along as we waited to be called for individual interviews. It seems to me that the school is very focused on the student's success. % of students passing the boards on the first try. The expansions of the school. I like the idea of a dress code- I think it'll make sure everyone is ready to go in the morning instead of groggy and half asleep. (Of course I say that now...)" Report Response
"The person speaking to us told us he'd be honest with us and give us some reasons why not to attend the school. I respect that, but I felt he focused on it for too long rather than the many positive aspects of the school. " Report Response
"Nothing. I've been to the campus before and I really like it." Report Response
"I feel it was a positive experience, I was nervous but they seemed to try to discourage that as much as possible and it was a relaxed setting. The article to summarize wasn't difficult. Thumbs up from me." Report Response
9 out of 10
In state
7+ hours
10 out of 10
Comfort Inn on W. 12th Street
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