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3 out of 10
15 minutes
At the school
Open file
"It was mostly just a conversation. No specific questions that I can remember were asked." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"A question about my personal statement" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Their website, and Student Doctor" Report Response
"their facilties" Report Response
"The number of interviewees that were there and how different faculty lectured with powerpoint. We were in an uncomfortable location, so some people had to strain their necks to see that powerpoint. We got to learn a lot about them, but they couldn't have learned a lot about us." Report Response
"Arrive a little earlier than a quarter to 9am. There were a lot of interviewees (50) and a small sitting area." Report Response
"Overall, my opinion of the school did not change much. I know Michigan has a great reputation, and I wouldn't let something about the interview process change my mind." Report Response
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