4 out of 10
10 out of 10
30 minutes
At another location
"A bad decision you've recently made? A good decision you've recently made besides applying to pharmacy school?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How do you plan to manage your time when you're in pharmacy school? How do you manage your time now? (Also, know your self-assesment. They asked me a quesiton about why I put something and what I would do to improve it)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why Pharmacy and not other healthcare professions? Something I regret? An interaction with someone that I regret? Biggest obstacle and how it was a barrier to accomplishing my endeavors? Most stressful moment?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If a 13 year old walked into your pharmacy and wanted to buy syringes for his sick grandmother, who have given him permission to do so, what would u do?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What is a bad decision you've recently made? What is a good decision you made? What is something that you regret? A LOT of time management questions!!!" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN Feedback Questions from the past years; Searched the Web for sample interview questions; UH Website; Spend time to get to know myself, my accomplishments, obstacles, challenges, struggles, etc. The key to success is to know yourself!!! " Report Response
"Was very laid back!! Everyone was so nice and there are A TON of amazing P1 students there for you to interact with. Everyone was great and the atmosphere was so relaxed. Plus they give you snacks and drinks!!!" Report Response
"Well I had a 2-on-1 which totally blew me off because everyone else I had talked to had a 1-on-1. I hated writing the essay next door to the room where the P1s and the other applicants were interacting. They were sooooo loud!!! And also, there was no tour. But no complaints, I got in!!! =)" Report Response
"I wish I had known that there would be students and faculty surrounding you during the group exercise!! That was pretty nerve wrecking but after the first 2 minutes, you don't even notice them" Report Response
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