3 out of 10
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
25 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Why pharmacy?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why Nova?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Mostly asked me about my file, my job as a tech, and my MPH program" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why do you think you've never been accepted before? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why do you think you've never been accepted before? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN" Report Response
"The facilities, faculty and students seemed very friendly and helpful" Report Response
"cost$$$" Report Response
"that I needed to confirm my PCAT scores with them, I took them almost 3 yrs ago and lost the copy of my scores" Report Response
"Very friendly, laid back interview, just be yourself" Report Response
10 out of 10
Out of state
4-6 hours
Fort Myers
Friends or family
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
6 out of 10
10 out of 10
5 out of 10
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