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30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"How do you handle stress?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What struggle have you overcome in you life to be successful in your endeavors?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Talk about a situation where you regret the way in which you interacted with somebody. What would you change about it? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What do you do to destress" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"None I was prepared for all the questions, I studied the SDN website." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN! SDN! SDN! that and went over my personal questionaire" Report Response
"How nice and friendly everyone was. Even if you are kind of shy, students will come up to you and engadge you in conversation." Report Response
"Nothing. There was the fact that the waiting room where all the P1's and P2's and interviewees are right beside the room where everyone else was doing there writing assignment. And they kept coming in and asking us to be a little more quite. It would have been nice to have been separated." Report Response
"Nothing. I research the school a lot. Just listen to everyone when they say don't be nervous. I know it won't help, but you won't be nervous after about an hour of being there, because everyone is so hospitable and friendly." Report Response
"They give you a schedule of what you will be doing when you arrive. It helps to break the ice with all the other candidates in the room everyone looks so nervous and we could all see it. Then depending on you schedule they take you to different sections. One good thing you can do is ask around and find out who has the group assignment at the same time you do and get aquainted, this helps later. The biggest advice I have for everyone is the group excerise, the goal is to not give in but come to a consensus on your ideas. Most importantly do not fight, make you ideas known and encourage others to make their ideas known. The writing is cake and I am horrable at writing. Just find a reason to do one or the other, and stick with it." Report Response
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