8 out of 10
8 out of 10
15 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"Why pharmacy?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"[no pharmacy experience] Why sets you apart from other students who have pharmacy experience?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What area of pharmacy do you want to go into and why?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"First asked whether or not I had pharmacy experience, which is no. Then: ''Since you have no pharmacy experience, what do you think separates you from other candidates and why should Mercer choose you over someone with more pharmacy experience.''" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Ready SDN. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to prepare for very long due to a tough class schedule that week." Report Response
"The campus was extremely calm and quiet. Everyone seems focused and on the same page. Much better than a noisy hospital or large campus. Plus due to the fact that it is in Atlanta it was surprising to see such a respite away from the busy downtown area." Report Response
"The cost. I don't really understand how people are paying close to $26,000 per year. Although I absolutely loved the campus, I am going to choose two state universities over this one just due to cost alone." Report Response
"Overall it was great. There was a student and faculty/alumni interview. I ended up getting a really tough alumni who definitely put it to me when she came to questioning and seriously doubted how I did at the interview. We were in this very small room that you could literally hear a pin drop in and she was completely straight faced and quiet even after I finished an answer as to suggest that I shouldn't have stopped yet, which was sort of awkward. The student interview went fantastic and it was like a general conversation. Most people said they had opposite experiences and the student interview was hard. I did end up getting accepted to Mercer however, so I am assuming she was testing me to see how I would react under pressure. I went into the interview not nervous at all but she did a really good job of turning that around really quick! The key is to mingle and meet as many people as you can while other people are getting interviewed. They will hold most of the people in the conference room and there will be faculty and administrators there. Go around and introduce yourself and briefly speak to every one of them!" Report Response
9 out of 10
Out of state
0-1 hour
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