2 out of 10
8 out of 10
8 out of 10
15 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"Who influenced you to a career in pharmacy." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Extra-curriculum and how that has changed you" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"In a week that you have a lot of exams to study for, on top of that, there is also a presentation that you and your group have to present. One of the partners found a similar powerpoint presentation online and suggested that the group make little changes and present it as our own. Would you do it and why?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Who influenced you to a career in pharmacy?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Some questions were unexpected, but they were not too difficult" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"The interview feedback and advices from the students that went to the interview before." Report Response
"The people. They are extremely nice." Report Response
"The town, the school, the area. If you don't have a verizon phone, it won't work there." Report Response
"I wish I had known that my phone wouldn't work there and they don't really have wireless in A LOT of areas." Report Response
"I arrived at 8:30, had breakfast, chit-chat a little bit with the other interviewees. Each of us had our own folder to tell which group we would be in. I was in the second group, so we did the orientation first while the students in group 1 had their interviews. During the orientation, the Dean talked about the school, the financial aid, etc..etc...just trying to sell the school to us. Then after she was done, Vickie Keene, the director of admissions, passed out a questionnaire and an essay for us to write. It was easy. Then after we were done, Vickie sat down with us, one-on-one, and went over to files to see what was still missing. After that was lunch. I had to wait until 2:00 for my interview. So I just basically sat there and chit-chatting with the current students. They seemed very supportive of the school and very nice. When I walked in, they told me that they will introduce themselves and then I have to introduce myself to them. Then they have 4 questions that they ask everybody there on that day. " Report Response
1 out of 10
Out of state
4-6 hours
9 out of 10
Comfort Inn
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