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4 out of 10
7 out of 10
8 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"What do you do for fun?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why pharmacy school?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Do you think a student with any particular background would have an advatange in pharmacy school? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"what would you do if someone in a group was not cooperating?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If the answer tothe above question did not work, then what would you do?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"sdn, friends, mock " Report Response
"nothing. they are so starnge. I will give them this much, they do evrything in thier poswer to make you feel stress free and comfortable. So mcuh so that you think you did AWSOME on your interview. I think every person that I spoke to said that thier interview went well. On the otherhand, many at USC said their interview was terrible. " Report Response
"everything. too long of a wait" Report Response
"no surprises. " Report Response
"urghh. why do we need to be there for so many hours? They do try to make it a stress free interview and experince. They appear to be a wonderful school. But you know what, Im not too sure about that. They appear to have their act toegther and seem like they would be much better choice than schools such as USC and UCSF. I was convinced of that at one point, but I am not too sure anymore. I question the judgement of MANY of their faculty and stuff as well as the school administartion. Hovever, there has been siginifact imrovemnt over the fast few years since thier first graduating class. Hopefully the trend will conitinue! We shall see. But for now, I am HIGHLY SCEPTICAL!" Report Response
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