5 out of 10
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9 out of 10
20 minutes
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Closed file
"All interview questions are on this website. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read SDN feedback and read their website." Report Response
"VCU hasreally advanced technology for their classrooms and the whole program. The entire building is wireless, with wireless printing anywhere. They have a room where the teacher can email everyone in the class a picture of what is on the whiteboard. They seem by far the most technologically oriented school I have visited. " Report Response
"They say the entire interview process is from 1-4:30 but really it goes from like 1-5. They have a little wrap-up session at the end in the student lounge from 4:30-5pm." Report Response
"When you arrive at the school, they give you a bag with your schedule for the 3.5 hours inside. Everyone attends an orientation with the Dean of Admissions for 40 minutes. Then you break up into different rotation groups. Some will go write a brief one page essay, others will go to their faculty/student interview, others their alumni/student interview, or you will go on the tour of the campus. The alumni/student interview is basically all of the questions off of this website asked in a 15 mintue period. Make sure you have questions to ask them for the last 5 minutes. The faculty/student interview is more relaxed and gives you more of a chance to show them who you really are." Report Response
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