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Anesthesiologists are physicians who perform a variety of activities: manage procedures for rendering a patient insensible to pain and emotional stress during surgical, obstetrical, and certain medical procedures; support life functions under the stress of anesthetic and surgical manipulations; clinically manage the patient unconscious from whatever cause; manage problems in pain relief; manage problems in cardiac and respiratory resuscitation; apply specific methods of inhalation therapy; and clinically manage various fluid, electrolyte, and metabolic disturbances. Only two of the above strictly involve operating room activities. The anesthesiologist visits each patient preoperatively to evaluate the individual's readiness for surgery, discuss the procedures, and allay patient anxiety. In addition, the anesthesiologist is responsible for postanesthesia recovery room care.

Values & Personality Traits of Physicians in Anesthesiology

// Comparison Summary //

Values Match

Specialists Value
  • Decision making
  • Taking care of people
  • Working with my hands
  • Working with my mind
Specialists do not value
  • Creativity
  • Feedback from others
  • Prestige
  • Security

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American Society of Anesthesiologists
The American Society of Anesthesiologists is an educational research and scientific association of physicians organized to raise and maintain the standards of the medical practice of anesthesiology and improve the care of the patient.... MORE >

SDN Anesthesiology Forum
Discuss anesthesiology with your peers on the Student Doctor Network community forums.... MORE >

Get the Book

Posted 8.26.13 by evilbooyaa

In How to Choose A Medical Specialty, you'll find helpful information straight from specialists from typical daily schedules to advice for interested students... MORE >
