Dr. John Callahan is an orthodontist in private practice since 1982 at Callahan, Flanagan and Smith Orthodontics, with three offices in New York. Dr. Callahan works with business partners Dr. Tom Flanagan and Dr. Vince Smith, as well as associate Dr. Greg Stock, in their offices in Fayetteville, North Syracuse and Fulton. Dr. Callahan earned his bachelor’s degree from Notre Dame University, and then he attended Georgetown University where he earned his DDS. He went on to St. Louis University, where he earned a post-doctoral degree in orthodontics.
Currently, Dr. Callahan is president of the Northeastern Society of Orthodontists, one of eight constituent societies of the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO), which includes New York, New England, and the eastern Canadian provinces. He is also a member of the AAO Council on Insurance, and the AAO House of Delegates to the AAO. His wife is a professor of law and public policy in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, and his son attended Rochester Institute of Technology and is now an entrepreneur in the Rochester area.
The Crayon Box: Writing a Successful Personal Statement (PS) Part 1
Part one of a two part series giving advice about how to craft a compelling personal statement.