Orthopaedics and Research??

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Dr. Anonymouss

Anesthesiology Resident
5+ Year Member
Nov 12, 2018
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Is having little to no research experience an absolute killer for matching into orthopaedics? I will give a little background on my situation. Let me start off by saying that I have absolutely no interest in research. I will read papers that I find interesting, but otherwise I have no interest or passion in conducting research myself. I want to be a clinician, not a research scientist. As of right now my top two choices are either orthopaedics or anesthesiology because I know I want to be hands on and perform procedures. I think orthopaedics aligns more with my personality as I was the traditional athlete growing up who got injured and now I really want to give others a second chance at being active and enjoying their lives, but the research is what deters me. I am quite certain that if I had an interview I would be able to show any program that I would be a good match because I have good social skills, am easy to get along with, am a hardworker, and a good team player, but I fear that I may not even get a chance to sell myself at an interview if my application gets looked over. So I am really just looking for advice on this whole research thing.

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if you look at ortho match data theres always some people who match with little to nothing but you need to have something on your resume. If you dont get any projects/pubs then its likely to hurt you at more places than not, especially if looking at academic places.
Is having little to no research experience an absolute killer for matching into orthopaedics?.

Yes. The average (and I do mean average) ortho applicant has 6-7 research entries on their app. If you don’t have any, your application is dead. You will also be expected to do at least one research project in residency.
Yes. The average (and I do mean average) ortho applicant has 6-7 research entries on their app. If you don’t have any, your application is dead. You will also be expected to do at least one research project in residency.
By entries, do you mean any combination of pubs, presentations, etc.? Or does entries refer to projects, each with one or multiple pubs, presentations, etc.?
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