Dental What if my grades are suffering after interviews?

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Oct 14, 2011
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I am a senior, 3.77 gpa currently, but not for much longer. I have interviewed at 2 dental schools, one in oct. one in nov. My grades are currently suffering in this covid world. I have struggled tremendously with my physics, microbiology, and developmental biology class and if I make it out with all B's I'll be lucky. If the dental schools find out I've done poorly this semester will it blow any shot I have?
Tough to say here. What have they told you?

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Congrats on your interviews! Hopefully you'll get positive news in about 10 days! As for grades, as long as you get a C or above in all of those classes, you should hopefully be okay with the schools you have already interviewed at (as long as one of them isn't Stony Brook I believe - I think they require Bs or higher), but schools that have yet to interview you may be a little weary. Just really try your best and not let your GPA fall.
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